Tamworth weather information, Moon phases
and astronomical events
Above forecast and explanation of colour codes below courtesy of clearoutside.com
Details are automatically updated every hour. Click on the table for more detailed information and International Space Station passover times for Tamworth. Forecasts are shown hourly for each day. The traffic lights at the top are your quick glance way of checking the forecast for that particular hour. Green means nice clear skies, Orange means potentially OK for some stargazing but not fantastic, Red means stay indoors and browse your favourite Astro retailers website ;-) We provide cloud information at various levels shown as % of the sky obscured. The deeper the blue, the clearer the skies. A white box indicates complete cloud coverage. |
Astronomical events calendar
Dominic Ford original author and copyright holder of below calendar information.
Calendar provided by https://in-the-sky.org/
Calendar provided by https://in-the-sky.org/